
【Chinese Learning Blog】「秒殺 (秒杀)miǎoshā」seckill

【Chinese Learning Blog】「爆冷門 (爆冷门)bào lěng mén」 upset

【Chinese Learning Blog】「鬼臉 guǐ liǎn」make a face

【Chinese Learning Blog】青梅竹馬 (青梅竹马) qīng méi zhú mǎ

【Chinese Learning Blog】「放鴿子(放鸽子) fàng gē zi」 get stood up

【Chinese Learning Blog】「整人 zhěng rén」 prank on someone

【Chinese Learning Blog】「烏龍(乌龙)wū lóng」mix-up

【Chinese Learning Blog】「賭氣(赌气)dǔ qì」to be stubborn

【Chinese Learning Blog】「火辣 huǒlà 」 sexy; hot

【Chinese Learning Blog】「灰心 huīxīn」to be discouraged

【Chinese Learning Blog】囉嗦(啰嗦 )luō suo  troublesome

【Chinese Learning Blog】 打勾勾 dǎgōu gōu pinky swear

【Chinese Learning Blog】不見不散(bù jiàn bù sàn)Be sure to wait!

【Chinese Learning Blog】足球 zú qiú football; soccer